Electoral boards »OBKW » County kolbuszowski » Commune Majdan Królewski »
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Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
1Urząd Gminy, ul. Rynek 1A , Majdan Królewski 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralYesYesSołectwo Majdan Królewski
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 1 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Henryk WójtowiczCommission chair
Zenona SzypułaCommission vicechair
Agnieszka KomórkiewiczCommission member
Agnieszka Maria KopećCommission member
Dawid Łukasz LubasCommission member
Wiesława Lulek-WójtowiczCommission member
Klaudia ObaraCommission member
Marzena Bernadeta TrelaCommission member
Aneta Teresa WitasCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
2Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Krzątce, Krzątka 27 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Krzątka od Nr 1 do Nr 140, od Nr 234 do Nr 387, od Nr 389 do Nr 399, od Nr 402 do Nr 404, od Nr 406 do Nr 409, od Nr 411 do Nr 416, od Nr 418 do Nr 421, od Nr 423 do Nr 425, od Nr 427 do Nr 429 oraz Nr 434.
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 2 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Małgorzata SzypułaCommission chair
Andrzej Robert SiwiecCommission vicechair
Marta FrycCommission member
Łukasz GurdakCommission member
Edward KopećCommission member
Andrzej PłazaCommission member
Leszek RębiszCommission member
Krzysztof Piotr WilkCommission member
Ewa Dorota ZiętekCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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3Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Klatkach, Krzątka 202 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Krzątka od Nr 141 do Nr 233 oraz Nr 233A, 388, 400, 401, 405, 410, 417, 422, 426, 430, 431, 432, 433.
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 3 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Krzysztof Jan WdowiakCommission chair
Zbigniew Jan KwaśnikCommission vicechair
Tomasz KiwakCommission member
Piotr Grzegorz KopećCommission member
Sylwester Stanisław KopećCommission member
Renata LulekCommission member
Monika Rozmus-SudołCommission member
Barbara SkuraCommission member
Marta WójcikCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
4Remiza OSP w Rusinowie, Rusinów 24A , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralYesNoSołectwo Rusinów
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 4 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Tadeusz WdowiakCommission chair
Adam FrycCommission vicechair
Michał Andrzej CyranCommission member
Anna DziubaCommission member
Sylwia FilaCommission member
Iwona Franciszka LulekCommission member
Michał RozmusCommission member
Józef RzeszutekCommission member
Edyta WójcikCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
5Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Brzostowej Górze, Brzostowa Góra 110 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Brzostowa Góra
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 5 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Ewa GołąbekCommission chair
Barbara Anna ŻakCommission vicechair
Joanna Barbara BieleńCommission member
Damian FurtakCommission member
Urszula Teresa KopećCommission member
Katarzyna PogodaCommission member
Maria SusCommission member
Józef WołoszCommission member
Michał ZiółkowskiCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
6Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Woli Rusinowskiej, Wola Rusinowska 69 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralYesNoSołectwo Wola Rusinowska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 6 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Monika RębiszCommission chair
Anna KobylarzCommission vicechair
Dorota BarnaśCommission member
Maciej Bartłomiej GajosCommission member
Mirosław MaciągCommission member
Elżbieta Dorota PiechotaCommission member
Renata RębiszCommission member
Wiesława WołoszCommission member
Kamil Filip ŻakCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
7Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Komorowie, Komorów 116 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Komorów
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 7 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Łukasz ObaraCommission chair
Łukasz WronaCommission vicechair
Agnieszka BaraczCommission member
Barbara ChanowskaCommission member
Paulina GilCommission member
Józefa KwaśnikCommission member
Anna Agnieszka LulekCommission member
Genowefa TereszkiewiczCommission member
Anna TomczykCommission member
Commune Majdan Królewski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
8Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Hucie Komorowskiej, Huta Komorowska 102 , 36-110 Majdan KrólewskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Huta Komorowska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 8 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Paweł SzypułaCommission chair
Aleksandra Elżbieta SuszekCommission vicechair
Katarzyna BarnaśCommission member
Ewa KopećCommission member
Jan KorczyńskiCommission member
Justyna SałekCommission member
Adriana SerafinCommission member
Monika WitasCommission member
Andrzej WojnasCommission member

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission