Electoral boards »OBKW » County krośnieński » Commune Dukla »
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Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
1Zespół Szkół Nr 1 w Dukli, ul. Kościuszki 13 , Dukla 38-450 DuklaGeneralYesYesmiasto: Dukla, sołectwo: Lipowica
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 1 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Maria BernadzikowskaCommission chair
Katarzyna Mazur-ChajecCommission vicechair
Maria BożentkaCommission member
Dorota BuczekCommission member
Anita CzarnawskaCommission member
Joanna DubielCommission member
Karol GierońCommission member
Marta SzczurekCommission member
Małgorzata TomkiewiczCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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2Miejski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji w Dukli, ul. Armii Krajowej 1a , Dukla 38-450 DuklaGeneralYesNosołectwa: Nadole, Zboiska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 2 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Bogusława SępCommission chair
Elżbieta PustułkaCommission vicechair
Justyna BytnarCommission member
Halina CiubaCommission member
Adam DrozdCommission member
Gabriela JakiełaCommission member
Anna PernalCommission member
Magdalena SzubartowiczCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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3Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Równem, ul. Długa 41 , Równe 38-451 RówneGeneralNoNosołectwo: Równe
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 3 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Grażyna KłapCommission chair
Agnieszka SzeligaCommission vicechair
Wacław BałonCommission member
Aneta CyranCommission member
Jolanta GłódCommission member
Roman MarkuszkaCommission member
Agata MikoszCommission member
Joanna UliaszCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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4Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Łękach Dukielskich, Łęki Dukielskie 74 , 38-456 Łęki DukielskieGeneralNoNosołectwa: Łęki Dukielskie, Myszkowskie
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 4 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Dawid Jan KrężałekCommission chair
Sylwia JastrzębskaCommission vicechair
Renata DudzikCommission member
Felicja Irena JastrzębskaCommission member
Dorota MrówkaCommission member
Ewa ŚliwińskaCommission member
Piotr ŚwiderCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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5Dom Ludowy w Teodorówce, Teodorówka 69a , 38-450 DuklaGeneralYesNosołectwo: Teodorówka
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 5 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Renata WilkCommission chair
Marzena SzczurekCommission vicechair
Brygida JakimczukCommission member
Iwona MajerCommission member
Marta MarkuszkaCommission member
Alfreda StanoszCommission member
Ewa SzczurekCommission member
Agnieszka Maria UklejaCommission member
Ewelina WoźniakCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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6Dom Ludowy w Cergowej, Cergowa 157 , 38-450 DuklaGeneralNoNosołectwo: Cergowa
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 6 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Józef JakiełaCommission chair
Maria GolbaCommission vicechair
Ireneusz AlbrychtCommission member
Elżbieta CiubaCommission member
Adam SzczurekCommission member
Paulina UliaszCommission member
Jolanta ZiółekCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
7Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Jasionce, Jasionka 74 , 38-450 DuklaGeneralNoNosołectwo: Jasionka
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 7 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Małgorzata WaisCommission chair
Agnieszka MazurekCommission vicechair
Jolanta AlbrychtCommission member
Łukasz Sebastian FrankiewiczCommission member
Andrzej Stefan SeredaCommission member
Agnieszka SzczurekCommission member
Grzegorz SzczurekCommission member
Danuta Maria WołtoszCommission member
Jan ŻółkośCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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8Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Tylawie, Tylawa 26 , 38-454 TylawaGeneralNoNosołectwa: Barwinek, Mszana, Olchowiec, Tylawa, Zyndranowa
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 8 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Józef MagnuszewskiCommission chair
Anna DelimataCommission vicechair
Jarosław BarnaśCommission member
Beata Bubiłek-JanochaCommission member
Iwona Sabina BuriakCommission member
Bronisław DubisCommission member
Kinga KwaśniowskaCommission member
Stanisława PalcarCommission member
Witold PuzCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
9Dom Ludowy w Iwli, Iwla 20 , 38-450 DuklaGeneralYesNosołectwa: Chyrowa, Iwla
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 9 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Janusz WilkCommission chair
Arkadiusz Ryszard BąkCommission vicechair
Marzanna DepczyńskaCommission member
Monika GłódCommission member
Wiesława GłódCommission member
Dorota KurdyłaCommission member
Joanna PirógCommission member
Jacek SzeligaCommission member
Krystyna Karolina SzymczykCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
10Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Głojscach, ul. Szkolna 7 , Głojsce 38-450 DuklaGeneralNoNosolectwo: Głojsce
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 10 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Wacław SzczurekCommission chair
Czesława CzepigaCommission vicechair
Joanna KuszCommission member
Halina PietruśCommission member
Barbara PudłoCommission member
Bogumiła PyterCommission member
Dariusz Sebastian SzczurekCommission member
Elżbieta WołtoszCommission member
Mariola ŻarnowskaCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
11Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Wietrznie, Wietrzno 22a , 38-451 RówneGeneralNoNosołectwo: Wietrzno
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 11 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Jadwiga AlbrychtCommission chair
Stanisław Józef FrugaCommission vicechair
Aneta BekCommission member
Wioletta Anita BogaczykCommission member
Agata DrobekCommission member
Anna MadejCommission member
Weronika MatelowskaCommission member
Jan WojtaszekCommission member
Commune Dukla - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
12Dom Ludowy w Trzcianie, Trzciana 24a , 38-450 DuklaGeneralNoNosołectwa: Nowa Wieś, Trzciana, Zawadka Rymanowska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 12 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Danuta DrajewiczCommission chair
Ludmiła MazurCommission vicechair
Wiktor BekCommission member
Wiesław BukowczykCommission member
Andrzej DelimataCommission member
Jadwiga Franciszka JurowskaCommission member
Bolesław MormolCommission member
Renata UliaszykCommission member

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission