Electoral boards »OBKW » County kłobucki »
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
The external department of the prison and detention100
Total 62 13 9
Teryt Commune Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
240601gm. Kłobuck13116 925
240602gm. Krzepice917 794
240603gm. Lipie515 304
240604gm. Miedźno636 181
240605gm. Opatów615 523
240606gm. Panki314 106
240607gm. Popów615 074
240608gm. Przystajń414 850
240609gm. Wręczyca Wielka10314 088
Total 62 13 69 845