Results of voting » Poland » Senate constituency no. 24 » Makowski Krzysztof Michał
Makowski Krzysztof Michał
Information about candidate for Senate
committee Profession Resident of Endorsement Constituency number
Komitet Wyborczy Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej przedsiębiorca Łódź member of Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej 24
Number of votes for candidate Percentage of valid votes in the constituency Mandate
33 293 19,26% No
Results of voting in Senate Constituency No. 24 divided into precincts
No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes
pow. łódzki wschodni 4 050
pow. brzeziński 1 811
Łódź, okręg wyborczy do Senatu nr 24 27 432