Geography »Poland » County radzyński » Commune Ulan-Majorat »
Commune Ulan-Majorat
Commune Ulan-Majorat
Statistic on 09.10.2011
Inhabitants: 6 292
Electoral statistics
Precincts quantity: 6
Electors: 4 796
Results of voting
Number Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Precinct correspondence Boundaries Google map link
1 Szkoła Podstawowa w Domaszewnicy, Kolonia Domaszewska 8 , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General No No Domaszewnica Kolonia Domaszewnica Kolonia Domaszewska
2 Szkoła Podstawowa w Sobolach, Sobole 69c , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General No No Sobole Stanisławów
3 Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Ulanie-Majoracie, Ulan-Majorat 51 , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General Yes Yes Klębów Rozwadów Sętki Stok Ulan-Majorat Zarzec Ulański
4 Dom Ludowy w Gąsiorach, Gąsiory 25a , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General Yes No Gąsiory Paskudy Zakrzew
5 Szkoła Podstawowa w Kępkach, Kępki 26a , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General No No Kępki Skrzyszew Żyłki
6 Remiza OSP w Ulanie Dużym, Ulan Duży 43a , 21-307 Ulan-Majorat General No No Ulan Duży Ulan Mały Wierzchowiny

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission