Sejm constituency no. 14,

Sejm constituency no. 14 (OKW Nowy Sącz) | |
Statistic on 09.10.2011 | |
Inhabitants: | 786 149 |
Precincts quantity: | 597 |
Results | |
Results of voting |
Sejm constituency no. 14,Senate constituency no. 36

Senate constituency no. 36 (OKW Nowy Sącz) | |
Statistic on 09.10.2011 | |
Inhabitants: | 382 388 |
Precincts quantity: | 291 |
Results | |
Results of voting |
Sejm constituency no. 14,Senate constituency no. 37

Senate constituency no. 37 (OKW Nowy Sącz) | |
Statistic on 09.10.2011 | |
Inhabitants: | 403 761 |
Precincts quantity: | 306 |
Results | |
Results of voting |
Constituency statistics | |||||
Constituency | Boundaries | Quantity | |||
electors | mandates | committees, which registered a list(s) | candidates on all lists | ||
14 | Powiaty: gorlicki, limanowski, nowosądecki, nowotarski, tatrzański Miasto na prawach powiatu: Nowy Sącz | 604 838 | 10 | 9 | 157 |
Counties | |||
Teryt | Description | Quantity | |
electors | inhabitants | ||
120500 | gorlicki, pow. | 86 812 | 110 624 |
120700 | limanowski, pow. | 94 979 | 127 843 |
121000 | nowosądecki, pow. | 157 504 | 209 573 |
121100 | nowotarski, pow. | 144 599 | 188 042 |
121700 | tatrzański, pow. | 54 260 | 66 503 |
Cities with county rights | |||
Teryt | Description | Quantity | |
electors | inhabitants | ||
126201 | Nowy Sącz, m. | 66 684 | 83 564 |
List no. 1 - Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Mularczyk Arkadiusz | Active | parlamentarzysta, Nowy Sącz, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
2 | Naimski Piotr Aleksander | Active | biochemik, Warszawa, not a member of any political party |
3 | Paluch Anna | Active | pracownik samorządowy, Krościenko nad Dunajcem, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
4 | Bartuś Barbara Halina | Active | parlamentarzysta, Lipinki, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
5 | Siarka Edward | Active | parlamentarzysta, Podsarnie, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
6 | Janczyk Wiesław Stanisław | Active | parlamentarzysta, Męcina, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
7 | Romanek Andrzej Stanisław | Active | radca prawny, Łososina Dolna, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
8 | Piczura Jan | Active | księgowy, Witów, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
9 | Ciągło Edward | Active | fizyk, Gołkowice Dolne, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
10 | Filipiak Ewa | Active | specjalista ds. zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, Kasinka Mała, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
11 | Poręba Antoni Marian | Active | emeryt, Stróże, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
12 | Dorula Leszek | Active | przedsiębiorca, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
13 | Nowak Alicja | Active | nauczyciel, Gorlice, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
14 | Sułkowski Stanisław Jan | Active | technik rolnik, Muszyna, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
15 | Borzęcki Michał Piotr | Active | inżynier mechanik, Nowy Targ, not a member of any political party |
16 | Kosakowska Iwona Maria | Active | nauczyciel, Czarny Dunajec, not a member of any political party |
17 | Janczura Teresa | Active | pielęgniarka, Łącko, not a member of any political party |
18 | Palki Jan Piotr | Active | dyspozytor, Dobra, not a member of any political party |
19 | Baran Bonifacy | Active | rolnik, Łużna, not a member of any political party |
20 | Ostrowska Helena | Active | pracownik administracji samorządowej, Łapsze Niżne, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
List no. 2 - Komitet Wyborczy Polska Jest Najważniejsza - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Hajda Kazimierz | Active | inżynier mechanik, Jordanów, member of Polska Jest Najważniejsza |
2 | Majoch Waldemar | Active | mechanik, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
3 | Morawa Tadeusz Stanisław | Active | inżynier zootechnik, Nowy Targ, member of Polska Jest Najważniejsza |
4 | Wójtowicz Jadwiga Teresa | Active | biolog, Gorlice, not a member of any political party |
5 | Gruszka Maria | Active | artysta ludowy, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
6 | Dębski Stanisław Jan | Active | nauczyciel, Limanowa, not a member of any political party |
7 | Biel Krzysztof | Active | przedsiębiorca, Harkabuz, not a member of any political party |
8 | Rymarczyk Irena Elżbieta | Active | technik ekonomista, Biczyce Dolne, not a member of any political party |
9 | Wojtas Czesław | Active | mistrz kominiarski, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
10 | Orzechowska Stanisława | Active | nauczyciel, Biała Podlaska, member of Polska Jest Najważniejsza |
11 | Zmuda Lucyna Anna | Active | elektronik, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
12 | Bieda Andrzej | Active | politolog, Stara Wieś, not a member of any political party |
13 | Karczyńska Monika Anna | Active | ekonomista, Tarnowiec, not a member of any political party |
14 | Pilch Joanna Zofia | Active | filolog, Tarnów, not a member of any political party |
15 | Filas Maria | Active | kolejarz, Skawa, not a member of any political party |
16 | Bystrowska-Orawiec Joanna Maria | Active | przedsiębiorca, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
17 | Woźniak Krzysztof Jan | Active | ekonomista, Lubomierz, not a member of any political party |
List no. 3 - Komitet Wyborczy Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support, vetting declaration content *) |
1 | Sas Kazimierz | Active | nauczyciel, Nowy Sącz, member of SLD |
2 | Kukla Rafał Tomasz | Active | inżynier budownictwa, Gorlice, member of SLD |
3 | Kiemystowicz Bożena Józefa | Active | referent administracyjny, Nowy Sącz, member of SLD |
4 | Knapik Jan Leopold | Active | inżynier mechanik, Lipinki, member of SLD |
5 | Krzyżkowiak Łucja Maria | Active | ekonomista, Limanowa, not a member of any political party |
6 | Gabor Jan | Active | ekonomista, Nowy Targ, member of SLD |
7 | Jasnosz Michał Wilhelm | Active | ekonomista, Krynica-Zdrój, member of SLD |
8 | Górski Stanisław | Active | emeryt, Chomranice, member of SLD |
9 | Cempa-Pulit Grażyna | Active | nauczyciel, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
10 | Jaworska Katarzyna Anna | Active | student, Moszczenica, member of SLD |
11 | Filar Janusz Wojciech | Active | inżynier mechanik, Zakopane, member of SLD |
12 | Wędrychowicz Eugeniusz | Active | technik bhp, Gorlice, not a member of any political party |
13 | Fröhlich Beata Małgorzata | Active | pedagog, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party, złożyła następujące oświadczenie: pełniłam służbę w organach bezpieczeństwa państwa w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 18 października 2006 r. o ujawnianiu informacji o dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa z lat 1944-1990 oraz treści tych dokumentów (Dz. U z 2007 r. Nr 63, poz. 425, z późn. zm.) |
14 | Kaczmarek Katarzyna Ewa | Active | prawnik, Zielonki, member of Partia Kobiet |
15 | Niżnik Krystyna Maria | Active | asystent pocztowy, Nowy Targ, not a member of any political party |
16 | Latała-Zięba Lucyna Janina | Active | ekonomista, Piwniczna-Zdrój, not a member of any political party |
17 | Tomaszek Tadeusz | Active | technik budownictwa, Stronie, not a member of any political party |
18 | Kościółek Paulina Arleta | Active | ekonomista, Chełmiec, not a member of any political party |
19 | Kruk Piotr Aleksander | Active | politolog, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
20 | Ujwary Edward Kazimierz | Active | inżynier mechanik, Nowy Targ, not a member of any political party |
List no. 4 - Komitet Wyborczy Ruch Palikota - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Bandyk Kazimierz | Active | przedsiębiorca, Lipnica Wielka, member of Ruch Palikota |
2 | Reichert Jolanta Maria | Active | technik budowlany, Nowy Sącz, member of Ruch Palikota |
3 | Polakiewicz Łukasz Tomasz | Active | technik chemik, Piwniczna-Zdrój, member of Ruch Palikota |
4 | Chmielewska-Sobczak Katarzyna Elżbieta | Active | konserwator zabytków architektury, Barcinek, member of Ruch Palikota |
5 | Grapa Kamil Grzegorz | Active | doradca finansowy, Podwilk, member of Ruch Palikota |
6 | Gurgul Jarosław Mieczysław | Active | stylista fryzjer, Zakopane, member of Ruch Palikota |
7 | Kidoń Monika | Active | fryzjer, Lipnica Mała, member of Ruch Palikota |
8 | Kurzawa Jakub Alfred | Active | przedsiębiorca, Lipnica Mała, member of Ruch Palikota |
9 | Lew-Migacz Magdalena | Active | biolog, Nowy Sącz, member of Ruch Palikota |
10 | Moźdżeń Tomasz Krzysztof | Active | elektryk, Lipnica Wielka, member of Ruch Palikota |
11 | Filipek Agata Małgorzata | Active | fryzjer, Nowy Sącz, member of Ruch Palikota |
12 | Węgrzyn Stanisław | Active | rolnik, Lipnica Wielka, member of Ruch Palikota |
List no. 5 - Komitet Wyborczy Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Dutka Bronisław | Active | parlamentarzysta, Pisarzowa, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
2 | Kaszyk Stanisław | Active | mechanik, Szalowa, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
3 | Barnaś Stanisław | Active | emeryt, Nowy Targ, not a member of any political party |
4 | Babiarczyk Bogumiła | Active | ekonomistka, Przydonica, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
5 | Kolbrecka Józefa | Active | bibliotekarz, Biały Dunajec, not a member of any political party |
6 | Bodziony Emil | Active | emeryt, Krynica-Zdrój, not a member of any political party |
7 | Kądziołka Michał Bartosz | Active | student, Nowy Sącz, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
8 | Bochnia Irena Agata | Active | przedsiębiorca, Binarowa, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
9 | Chmura Mikołaj Wojciech | Active | urzędnik, Marcinkowice, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
10 | Trzaskoś Marek | Active | menadżer, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
11 | Królczyk Monika Joanna | Active | pracownik administracyjny, Maniowy, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
12 | Stokłosa Jolanta Stanisława | Active | ekonomistka, Dobra, not a member of any political party |
13 | Nalepka Jerzy Andrzej | Active | nauczyciel, Bobowa, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
14 | Baran Grzegorz | Active | nauczyciel, Podegrodzie, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
15 | Klimowski Marcin Sebastian | Active | urzędnik, Czarny Dunajec, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
16 | Moskała Renata Małgorzata | Active | doradca rolnictwa, Niedźwiedź, not a member of any political party |
17 | Kwit Jacek Adam | Active | ekonomista, Zabrzeż, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
18 | Walendowicz Krystyna | Active | menadżer, Skawa, not a member of any political party |
19 | Dziedzina Franciszek Piotr | Active | pracownik samorządowy, Mszana Dolna, member of Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe |
20 | Wiśniowska Elżbieta Aleksandra | Active | filozof, Wrocław, not a member of any political party |
List no. 6 - Komitet Wyborczy Polska Partia Pracy - Sierpień 80 - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Krok Kazimierz | Active | hydraulik, Wysowa-Zdrój, not a member of any political party |
2 | Leja Małgorzata Maria | Active | gospodyni domowa, Witów, not a member of any political party |
3 | Wójcik Kazimierz Marian | Active | kierowca, Poradów, not a member of any political party |
4 | Surma Urszula | Active | kosmetyczka, Kraków, not a member of any political party |
5 | Staszel Stanisław | Active | księgowy, Biały Dunajec, not a member of any political party |
6 | Forma Barbara | Active | krawiec, Ruda Śląska, member of Polska Partia Pracy - Sierpień 80 |
7 | Surma Anna Zofia | Active | handlowiec, Gorlice, not a member of any political party |
8 | Miłkowska Ewa Barbara | Active | fryzjer, Katowice, not a member of any political party |
9 | Burnagiel Anna Teresa | Active | gospodyni domowa, Świdnik, not a member of any political party |
10 | Szabla Krzysztof Jan | Active | piekarz, Zawadka, not a member of any political party |
11 | Zdziebłowski Dawid Jan | Active | mechanik, Żory, member of Polska Partia Pracy - Sierpień 80 |
List no. 7 - Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Czerwiński Andrzej Stanisław | Active | inżynier elektryk, Nowy Sącz, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
2 | Gut-Mostowy Andrzej Józef | Active | ekonomista, Zakopane, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
3 | Małuch Małgorzata Krystyna | Active | inżynier geodeta, Sękowa, not a member of any political party |
4 | Patalita Tadeusz | Active | parlamentarzysta, Raba Niżna, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
5 | Dziwisz Barbara Stanisława | Active | nauczyciel, Raba Wyżna, not a member of any political party |
6 | Zegzda Leszek Jan | Active | teolog, Nowy Sącz, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
7 | Jachymiak Maciej | Active | lekarz, Nowy Targ, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
8 | Kuk Jan Zbigniew | Active | pedagog, Gorlice, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
9 | Staszel Wiesława | Active | inżynier rolnictwa, Odrowąż, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
10 | Cycoń Marian Adam | Active | wyższy urzędnik samorządowy, Barcice Dolne, not a member of any political party |
11 | Koperski Mariusz Jarosław | Active | nauczyciel, Kościelisko, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
12 | Kowalczyk Justyna Maria | Active | student, Częstochowa, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
13 | Król-Mirek Agata Kazimiera | Active | nauczyciel, Krynica-Zdrój, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
14 | Więcek Jan | Active | ekonomista, Słopnice, not a member of any political party |
15 | Górka Jerzy Józef | Active | technik elektryk, Barcice Dolne, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
16 | Janowska Kinga Anna | Active | student, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
17 | Sienkiewicz Jan | Active | politolog, Sromowce Wyżne, not a member of any political party |
18 | Strama Zofia | Active | nauczyciel, Maruszyna, not a member of any political party |
19 | Niemiec Małgorzata Anna | Active | audytor, Mordarka, not a member of any political party |
20 | Kozioł Krzysztof Franciszek | Active | technik budownictwa, Lipinki, member of Platforma Obywatelska RP |
List no. 9 - Komitet Wyborczy Nowa Prawica - Janusza Korwin-Mikke - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Paciej Andrzej Stefan | Active | nauczyciel, Piątkowa, member of Unia Polityki Realnej |
2 | Jamro Szymon | Active | inżynier budownictwa lądowego, Stróżówka, not a member of any political party |
3 | Mrowca Małgorzata Józefa | Active | ekonomista, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
4 | Gołębiowski Jerzy Waldemar | Active | ekonomista, Rabka-Zdrój, member of Unia Polityki Realnej |
5 | Markuszewska-Toczek Elżbieta Gabriela | Active | technik medyczny, Limanowa, not a member of any political party |
6 | Wenecki Piotr | Active | nauczyciel, Bartkowa-Posadowa, member of Unia Polityki Realnej |
7 | Garula Jacek Jerzy | Active | student, Czarny Dunajec, not a member of any political party |
8 | Niwicka-Włodek Sonia Zofia | Active | lekarz stomatolog, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
9 | Kaleta Jadwiga Helena | Active | nauczyciel, Kasina Wielka, not a member of any political party |
10 | Pabin Piotr Franciszek | Active | przedsiębiorca, Kościelisko, not a member of any political party |
11 | Wojtaszek Stanisław | Active | technik technolog, Maniowy, not a member of any political party |
12 | Berezowski Maciej Henryk | Active | przedsiębiorca, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
13 | Krzak Dorota Maria | Active | ekonomista, Chełmiec, not a member of any political party |
14 | Sułkowska Anna Maria | Active | nauczyciel, Świdnik, not a member of any political party |
15 | Lelito Krzysztof | Active | student, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
16 | Potoczek-Kądziołka Beata Łucja | Active | nauczyciel, Rdziostów, not a member of any political party |
17 | Klag Krzysztof Józef | Active | student, Świniarsko, not a member of any political party |
18 | Jabłoński Mateusz Piotr | Active | student, Januszowa, not a member of any political party |
19 | Chowaniec Tomasz Michał | Active | leśnik, Nowy Targ, member of Unia Polityki Realnej |
List no. 10 - Komitet Wyborczy Prawica - Registered | |||
Number on the list | Surname and Names | Status | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Nowak Tadeusz Józef | Active | hutnik, Nowy Sącz, member of Prawica Marka Jurka |
2 | Polak Paweł Robert | Active | architekt, Zakopane, not a member of any political party |
3 | Brokos Lucyna Małgorzata | Active | specjalista ubezpieczeniowy, Rytro, not a member of any political party |
4 | Kliński Stefan Paweł | Active | handlowiec, Kryg, not a member of any political party |
5 | Matras Stanisław | Active | elektronik, Limanowa, member of Prawica Marka Jurka |
6 | Sarata Kinga Dominika | Canceled after printing cards | hotelarz, Szczawnica, not a member of any political party |
7 | Prostko Wiesław Ryszard | Active | nauczyciel, Łącko, member of Prawica Marka Jurka |
8 | Uczkiewicz Mieczysława | Active | nauczyciel, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
9 | Kaczmarczyk Alfred Antoni | Active | inżynier elektryk, Kisielówka, not a member of any political party |
10 | Majoch Bogusława | Active | kosmetyczka, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
11 | Smoleń Mariusz Paweł | Canceled after printing cards | politolog, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party |
12 | Brown Dominika Agata | Active | socjolog, Muszyna, not a member of any political party |
13 | Janusz Józef | Active | handlowiec, Krynica-Zdrój, not a member of any political party |
14 | Seul Anastazja Beata | Active | nauczyciel akademicki, Zielona Góra, not a member of any political party |
15 | Pazgan Józef | Active | technik mechanik, Kamionka Wielka, member of Prawica Marka Jurka |
16 | Demska Stanisława | Active | nauczycielka, Łącko, not a member of any political party |
17 | Kurowski Józef Adam | Active | mechanik, Stary Sącz, not a member of any political party |
18 | Kuder Krzysztof Roman | Active | mechanik, Trzebinia, not a member of any political party |
19 | Łukasik Małgorzata Maria | Active | nauczyciel, Tuchów, not a member of any political party |
20 | Jasiński Jerzy Kazimierz | Active | mechanik, Brzezna, not a member of any political party |
Constituency statistics | ||||
Constituency | Boundaries | Quantity | ||
electors | mandates | candidates | ||
36 | powiaty: limanowski, nowotarski, tatrzański | 293 838 | 1 | 4 |
Counties | |||
Teryt | Description | Quantity | |
electors | inhabitants | ||
120700 | limanowski, pow. | 94 979 | 127 843 |
121100 | nowotarski, pow. | 144 599 | 188 042 |
121700 | tatrzański, pow. | 54 260 | 66 503 |
Candidates for Senate | ||||
No. | Surname and Names | Status | committee | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support |
1 | Hamerski Jan Wincenty | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Podhalanie | historyk, Szczawnica, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
2 | Hodorowicz Stanisław Andrzej | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP | nauczyciel akademicki, Kraków, not a member of any political party |
3 | Skorupa Tadeusz Wojciech | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Tadeusza Skorupy | parlamentarzysta, Podczerwone, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
4 | Wilk Anna Maria | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Obywatelskich List Wyborczych Nowego Ekranu | lekarz, Limanowa, member of Prawica Rzeczypospolitej |
Constituency statistics | ||||
Constituency | Boundaries | Quantity | ||
electors | mandates | candidates | ||
37 | powiaty: gorlicki, nowosądecki oraz miasto na prawach powiatu: Nowy Sącz | 311 000 | 1 | 2 |
Counties | |||
Teryt | Description | Quantity | |
electors | inhabitants | ||
120500 | gorlicki, pow. | 86 812 | 110 624 |
121000 | nowosądecki, pow. | 157 504 | 209 573 |
Cities with county rights | |||
Teryt | Description | Quantity | |
electors | inhabitants | ||
126201 | Nowy Sącz, m. | 66 684 | 83 564 |
Candidates for Senate | |||||
No. | Surname and Names | Status | committee | Profession or occupation, place of residence, party membership or support | Vetting declaration content*) |
1 | Dobosz Grzegorz Władysław | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP | oficer sił zbrojnych, Nowy Sącz, not a member of any political party | złożył następujące oświadczenie: byłem współpracownikiem organów bezpieczeństwa państwa w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 18 października 2006 r. o ujawnianiu informacji o dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa z lat 1944-1990 oraz treści tych dokumentów (Dz. U z 2007 r. Nr 63, poz. 425, z późn. zm.) |
2 | Kogut Stanisław | Active | Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość | parlamentarzysta, Stróże, member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
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