Geography »Poland » County ostrowski » Commune Stary Lubotyń »
Commune Stary Lubotyń
Commune Stary Lubotyń
Statistic on 09.10.2011
Inhabitants: 3 982
Electoral statistics
Precincts quantity: 6
Electors: 3 082
Results of voting
Number Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Precinct correspondence Boundaries Google map link
1 Szkoła Podstawowa, Stary Lubotyń 7 , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General Yes Yes Budziszki, Chmielewo, Klimonty, Kosewo, Lubotyń-Kolonia, Lubotyń-Morgi, Lubotyń-Włóki, Stary Lubotyń, Stary Turobin, Świerże, Turobin-Brzozowa.
2 Szkoła Podstawowa, Gniazdowo 23 , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General No No Gniazdowo-Stare Rogowo, Rogowo-Folwark, Rogówek.
3 Szkoła Podstawowa, Sulęcin Szlachecki 73 , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General Yes No Grądziki, Sulęcin Szlachecki, Sulęcin Włościański.
4 Szkoła Podstawowa, Podbiele 43b , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General No No Gumowo, Podbiele, Podbielko-Gawki, Rabędy, Żochowo, Żyłowo.
5 Remiza OSP, Rząśnik 47a , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General No No Rząśnik
6 Remiza OSP, Koskowo 23 , 07-303 Stary Lubotyń General No No Koskowo

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission