Geography »Poland » County myśliborski » Commune Nowogródek Pomorski »
Commune Nowogródek Pomorski
Commune Nowogródek Pomorski
Statistic on 09.10.2011
Inhabitants: 3 419
Electoral statistics
Precincts quantity: 3
Electors: 2 639
Results of voting
Number Address Precinct type Location accessible for the handicapped Precinct correspondence Boundaries Google map link
1 Sala Wiejska, Pl. Św. Floriana 8 , Nowogródek Pomorski 74-304 Nowogródek Pomorski General Yes Yes Nowogródek Pomorski Kolonia Nowogródek Pomorski Pachocino Giżyn Rokitno Sumiak Karlin Kinice Ulejno
2 Dom Strażaka, Mieszka I 13 , Karsko 74-305 Karsko General No No Karsko Lipin Golin Ławin Sołacz Stawno Parzeńsko
3 Sala Wiejska, Trzcinna 26 , 74-304 Nowogródek Pomoprski General No No Chocień Rataje Smolary Smólsko Somin Trzcinna Świątki

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission