Results of voting » Poland » Sejm constinuency no. 12 » Łatas Marek Jerzy
Łatas Marek Jerzy
Information about candidate to the Sejm
committee Profession Resident of Endorsement Constituency number
Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość nauczyciel Myślenice member of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 12
Number of votes for candidate Percentage of valid votes in the constituency Number of votes for the list Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes on the list Mandate
12 466 5,21% 91 220 13,67% Yes
Results of voting in Senate Constituency No. 12 divided into precincts
No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes Number of votes for the list Percentage of votes in the list
pow. chrzanowski 126 0,26% 13 962
pow. myślenicki 11 669 27,17% 22 481
pow. oświęcimski 133 0,21% 19 784
pow. Suski 250 0,90% 12 948
pow. wadowicki 288 0,50% 22 045