Electoral boards »OBKW »
Provinces lubelskie »
Provinces lubelskie
Inhabitants quantity:2169548
Election statistics
Electors quantity:1752774
Precincts quantity:1814
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
General1 740492216
Social help centre1380
Penal institution700
Detention centre200
Total 1 814 531 216
Teryt County Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
060100 bialski1093590 852
060200 biłgorajski932583 682
060300 chełmski902164 815
060400 hrubieszowski661756 602
060500 janowski381238 576
060600 krasnostawski862456 591
060700 kraśnicki842280 563
060800 lubartowski862572 407
060900 lubelski11934115 089
061000 łęczyński471045 547
061100 łukowski872486 017
061200 opolski601151 482
061300 parczewski361030 048
061400 puławski923496 474
061500 radzyński511749 494
061600 rycki641647 698
061700 świdnicki531659 253
061800 tomaszowski911872 629
061900 włodawski431433 361
062000 zamojski1102989 511
Total 1 505 414 1 320 691
Teryt City with county rights Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
066101m. Biała Podlaska29945 960
066201m. Chełm361055 080
066301m. Lublin21292276 983
066401m. Zamość32654 060
Total 309 117 432 083