Electoral boards »OBKW » County tatrzański » Commune Biały Dunajec »
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Total 6 2 1
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
1Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej i Gimnazjum Nr 1, Biały Dunajec , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralYesYesSołectwo - Biały Dunajec; ul. Jana Pawła II (od Nr 1 do Nr 312), Gliczarowska, Gile, Krajowe, Za Torem (od Nr 1 do Nr 12)
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 1 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Maria WaliczekCommission chair
Adam MajerczykCommission vicechair
Halina MichalskaCommission member
Danuta Stanisława ParaCommission member
Teresa Elżbieta RafałkoCommission member
Tomasz StachuraCommission member
Magdalena TrebuniaCommission member
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
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2Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej i Gimnazjum Nr 2, Biały Dunajec , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralNoNoSołectwo - Biały Dunajec; ul. Jana Pawła II (od Nr 313 do Nr 371), Za Torem (od Nr 13 do Nr 18), Kościuszki, Witosa, Gen. Galicy, Batorego, Miłośników Podhala, Piłsudskiego, Skupniowa (od Nr 1 do Nr 17)
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 2 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Bogusław BlicharskiCommission chair
Anna NoworolnikCommission vicechair
Katarzyna Anna BublaCommission member
Tomasz Marcin DzierżęgaCommission member
Zofia PawlikowskaCommission member
Kamila PawlukCommission member
Stanisława Wiktoria ŚwiderCommission member
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
3Szkoła Podstawowa, Gliczarów Dolny , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralNoNoSołectwo - Gliczarów Dolny
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 3 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Józefa Anna KukucCommission chair
Monika Justyna FranoszCommission vicechair
Władysław BafiaCommission member
Maria ChowaniecCommission member
Anna Maria FlorynCommission member
Jan GałdyśCommission member
Aneta Barbara PierzchałaCommission member
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
4Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej i Gimnazjum, Gliczarów Górny , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralYesNoSołectwo - Gliczarów Górny; ul. Skupniowa (Stołowe - od Nr 18 do Nr 42), Os. Stasikówka (Golocki)
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 4 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Janina PawlikowskaCommission chair
Barbara GałCommission vicechair
Andrzej GanderaCommission member
Ewa SieczkaCommission member
Wiesław SieczkaCommission member
Janina SkupieńCommission member
Piotr TarasiewiczCommission member
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
5Remiza OSP, Leszczyny , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralNoNoSołectwa - Leszczyny, Sierockie od Nr 71 do Nr 84 oraz Nr 102
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 5 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Stanisław BuńdaCommission chair
Helena StopkaCommission vicechair
Jadwiga Bożena DzierzęgaCommission member
Hanna Helena JarząbekCommission member
Piotr KarciarzCommission member
Marzena Stanisława PierzchałaCommission member
Stanisław SzczechowiczCommission member
Commune Biały Dunajec - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
6Zespół Szkoły Podstawowej i Gimnazjum, Sierockie , 34-425 Biały DunajecGeneralNoNoSołectwo - Sierockie
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 6 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Wojciech Krzysztof BuńdaCommission chair
Maria Magdalena TarasiewiczCommission vicechair
Maria AntołCommission member
Maria CudzichCommission member
Joanna DzierzęgaCommission member
Ewa KrzeptowskaCommission member
Halina StanekCommission member

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission