Electoral boards »OBKW » County rzeszowski » Commune Sokołów Małopolski »
Commune Sokołów Małopolski »SEJM constinuency no. 23,Senate constituency no. 56
Sokołów Małopolski
Commune Sokołów Małopolski
Commune type:urban-rural area
Inhabitants quantity:16887
Election statistics
Electors quantity:13048
Precincts quantity:13
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
Total 13 2 1
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
1Miejsko Gminny Ośrodek Kultury Sportu i Rekreacji, Lubelska 5 , Sokołów Małopolski 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoYesMiasto Sokołów Młp. (ulice): Legionistów, Boczna, Fryderyka Chopina, Jakuba Darochy, Garncarska, Gen.Sikorskiego, Grunwaldzka, Joselewicza, Kazimierza Wielkiego, Kochanowskiego, Marii Konopnickiej, Kościuszki, Lubelska, Łazienna, 3-go Maja, Adama Mickiewicza, Narutowicza, Niepodległości, Ogrodowa, Ignacego Paderewskiego, Piaski, Piękosiów, Plac Św. Jana, Plebańska, Płk. Piotra Podstawskiego, Polna, Poniatowskiego, B. Prusa, Władysława Reymonta, Rynek, Rzeszowska, Sienkiewicza, Marii Skłodowskiej Curie, Sokoła, Stodolna, Św. Ducha, Wojska Polskiego, Zawale, Szewska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 1 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Anna SondejCommission chair
Jerzy SumińskiCommission vicechair
Adam ChorzępaCommission member
Łukasz KołodziejCommission member
Katarzyna SzastCommission member
Teresa TomasiakCommission member
Janina WalickaCommission member
Maria ZiemniakCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
2Zespół Szkół, Lubelska 37 , Sokołów Małopolski 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Turza
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 2 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Małgorzata SurowiecCommission chair
Bronisława SzotCommission vicechair
Monika ChorzępaCommission member
Maria KobiernikCommission member
Barbara KołodziejCommission member
Marek RupCommission member
Józef SidorCommission member
Jarosław SrokaCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
3Świetlica Wiejska, Markowizna , 36-051 GórnoGeneralNoNoSołectwo Markowizna
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 3 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Zofia NyczCommission chair
Elżbieta DepaCommission vicechair
Maria ChorzępaCommission member
Dominika HajderCommission member
Damian KobiernikCommission member
Alina KrudyszCommission member
Anna PiersiakCommission member
Krystyna RusinCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
4Samodzielny Publiczny Zespół Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej Sanatorium, Górno 533 , 36-051 GórnoGeneralYesNoDom Pomocy Społecznej, Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Sanatorium Przeciwgruźlicze oraz Górno Sanatorium
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 4 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Dorota JabłońskaCommission chair
Agnieszka KrólCommission vicechair
Paulina BursztaCommission member
Maria KrudyszCommission member
Agnieszka RusinCommission member
Dorota RusinCommission member
Marta SrokaCommission member
Beata SzotCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
5Zespół Szkół im. ks. M.Lachora, Górno 116 , 36-051 GórnoGeneralNoNoSołectwo Górno
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 5 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Justyna MarciniecCommission chair
Zofia FalandysCommission vicechair
Lucyna HajderCommission member
Marta KołodziejCommission member
Zofia KrólCommission member
Sławomir PanasiukCommission member
Małgorzata ŚliżCommission member
Magdalena ZiemniakCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
6Zespół Szkół, Kościelna 1 , Trzeboś, Trzeboś Górna 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Trzeboś (ulice): Górna, Dworzysko, Kościelna, Dolna, Leśna
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 6 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Waldemar KraskaCommission chair
Paweł BiałekCommission vicechair
Damian CisekCommission member
Dominik DecCommission member
Damian FlakCommission member
Jolanta OżógCommission member
Monika PiersiakCommission member
Krystyna SidorCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
7Stara Szkoła, Nienadówka 707 , 36-052 NienadówkaGeneralNoNoSołectwo Nienadówka
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 7 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Radosław GielarowskiCommission chair
Monika ChorzępaCommission vicechair
Monika ChorzępaCommission member
Dominika KozakCommission member
Teresa KraskaCommission member
Natalia MarszałekCommission member
Hubert OżdżyńskiCommission member
Zofia OżógCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
8Zespół Szkół, Trzebuska 196 , 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Trzebuska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 8 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Marek NowakCommission chair
Monika JodłowskaCommission vicechair
Edward BuczakCommission member
Paweł DecCommission member
Ryszard KoziarzCommission member
Tadeusz MłynarczykCommission member
Barbara RzeszutekCommission member
Zofia RzeszutekCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
9Dom Kultury, Wólka Niedźwiedzka 264 , 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Wólka Niedźwiedzka
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 9 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Józef NiezgodaCommission chair
Marcin WalkowiczCommission vicechair
Zbigniew DziadoszCommission member
Anna KudukCommission member
Stanisław KulaCommission member
Anna MączkaCommission member
Ewa PiekłoCommission member
Krzysztof SmotryśCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
10Dom Strażaka, Wólka Sokołowska 109 , 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Wólka Sokołowska
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 10 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Janusz CymerysCommission chair
Anna RzeszutekCommission vicechair
Wojciech OżdżyńskiCommission member
Rafał PanasiukCommission member
Dorota PokrzywaCommission member
Magdalena SidorCommission member
Elżbieta WalickaCommission member
Magdalena WróbelCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
11Szkoła Podstawowa, Podlas 29 , Trzeboś-Podlas 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Trzeboś Podlas (ulice): Mościny, Podlas
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 11 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Michał OlszowyCommission chair
Anna OżógCommission vicechair
Marta BanduraCommission member
Eugeniusz ChorzępaCommission member
Karolina FrączekCommission member
Renata KraskaCommission member
Dorota PutyłoCommission member
Monika ŚliżCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
12Zespół Szkół im. Jana Pawła II, Lubelska 41 , Sokołów Małopolski 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralYesNoMiasto Sokołów Młp. (ulice): Gen. Okulickiego, Mjr Sucharskiego, Pileckich, Płk. Dąbka, Płk. Deca, Akacjowa, ks. Szczepana Szydelskiego, Dębowa, Tysiąclecia, Partyzantów, Krótka, Andrzeja Bolesława Dańczaka, Sportowa, Armii Krajowej, Bohaterów Września, Graniczna
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 12 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Zofia KrauzCommission chair
Jadwiga ChorzępaCommission vicechair
Franciszek ŁuszczkiCommission member
Agnieszka MatułaCommission member
Barbara PasierbCommission member
Michał SzpilaCommission member
Lilianna WolińskaCommission member
Renata ZiemniakCommission member
Commune Sokołów Małopolski - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
13Świetlica Wiejska, Trzebuska, Kąty 625 , 36-050 Sokołów MałopolskiGeneralNoNoSołectwo Trzebuska Kąty
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 13 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Mariusz ChorzępaCommission chair
Genowefa KraskaCommission vicechair
Dominika FlakCommission member
Magdalena JabłońskaCommission member
Irena KleszykCommission member
Sylwia KroczekCommission member
Bogdan PutyłoCommission member
Zofia SworstCommission member

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission