Electoral boards »OBKW » County hajnowski »
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
Social help centre110
Detention centre100
Total 45 12 9
Teryt Commune Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
200502gm. Białowieża322 039
200503gm. Czeremcha213 042
200504gm. Czyże412 097
200505gm. Dubicze Cerkiewne311 606
200501m. Hajnówka15218 753
200506gm. Hajnówka613 493
200507gm. Kleszczele412 422
200508gm. Narew513 376
200509gm. Narewka323 436
Total 45 12 40 264