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Provinces pomorskie »
Provinces pomorskie
Inhabitants quantity:2207316
Election statistics
Electors quantity:1759329
Precincts quantity:1317
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
General1 236351125
Social help centre2460
Student Residence300
Penal institution700
Detention centre500
The external department of the prison and detention100
Precinct on ship200
Total 1 317 359 125
Teryt County Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
220100 bytowski631860 485
220200 chojnicki601073 361
220300 człuchowski471546 319
220400 gdański501474 071
220500 kartuski691887 220
220600 kościerski451653 657
220700 kwidzyński531664 523
220800 lęborski431350 752
220900 malborski371150 554
221000 nowodworski26928 844
221100 pucki482060 990
221200 słupski731975 492
221300 starogardzki882996 974
221600 sztumski34834 253
221400 tczewski741888 205
221500 wejherowski9631149 191
Total 906 265 1 094 891
Teryt City with county rights Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
226101m. Gdańsk22154360 163
226201m. Gdynia12123195 826
226301m. Słupsk46976 100
226401m. Sopot21832 245
229901Statki (Gdańsk)20104
Total 411 94 664 438