Electoral boards »OBKW »
Provinces warmińsko-mazurskie »
Provinces warmińsko-mazurskie
Inhabitants quantity:1437683
Election statistics
Electors quantity:1146728
Precincts quantity:1018
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
Social help centre15110
Penal institution600
Detention centre700
The external department of the prison and detention100
Total 1 018 343 122
Teryt County Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
280100 bartoszycki39950 841
280200 braniewski351035 123
280300 działdowski521552 579
280400 elbląski421945 622
280500 ełcki532168 085
280600 giżycki421446 299
281800 gołdapski22622 184
280700 iławski621873 263
280800 kętrzyński512254 334
280900 lidzbarski321034 565
281000 mrągowski341040 752
281100 nidzicki291126 949
281200 nowomiejski322134 387
281300 olecki281327 478
281400 olsztyński1103495 139
281500 ostródzki782284 207
281600 piski431145 967
281700 szczycieński572556 476
281900 węgorzewski20719 411
Total 861 298 913 661
Teryt City with county rights Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
286101m. Elbląg621998 311
286201m. Olsztyn9526134 756
Total 157 45 233 067