Electoral boards »OBKW »
Provinces zachodniopomorskie »
Provinces zachodniopomorskie
Inhabitants quantity:1668106
Election statistics
Electors quantity:1358687
Precincts quantity:1063
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
Social help centre2580
Student Residence200
Penal institution900
Detention centre510
The external department of the prison and detention300
Total 1 063 315 119
Teryt County Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
320100 białogardzki35938 850
320200 choszczeński331440 674
320300 drawski461447 538
320400 goleniowski491665 185
320500 gryficki411649 471
320600 gryfiński561766 393
320700 kamieński391039 844
320800 kołobrzeski501664 685
320900 koszaliński571851 572
321800 łobeski281130 508
321000 myśliborski481453 895
321100 policki361053 930
321200 pyrzycki28932 385
321300 sławieński431645 922
321400 stargardzki743095 596
321500 szczecinecki471962 608
321600 świdwiński35939 486
321700 wałecki351943 255
Total 780 267 921 797
Teryt City with county rights Quantity
precincts Location accessible for the handicapped electors
326101m. Koszalin55786 854
326201m. Szczecin20330316 217
326301m. Świnoujście251133 819
Total 283 48 436 890