Electoral boards »OBKW » County gryfiński » Commune Moryń »
Precinct typeQuantityLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondence
Social help centre100
Total 4 1 1
Commune Moryń - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
1Zespół Szkół, ul.Dworcowa 6A , Moryń 74-503 MoryńGeneralNoYesMiasto Moryń Sołectwa: Dolsko, Gądno, Mirowo, Przyjezierze Osada: Moryń-Dwór
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 1 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Elżbieta GrygorcewiczCommission chair
Marek SzynklewskiCommission vicechair
Aleksandra DomaradzkaCommission member
Władysława KwiecieńCommission member
Katarzyna PotapińskaCommission member
Regina PrusCommission member
Urszula RogalaCommission member
Commune Moryń - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
2Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Moryńska 15 , Witnica 74-503 MoryńGeneralYesNoSołectwa: Bielin, Witnica Osady: Macierz, Mierno, Młynary, Niwka, Wisław, Witniczka
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 2 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Aneta DziedzicCommission chair
Teresa LechowskaCommission vicechair
Dorota BrodackaCommission member
Danuta KotyńskaCommission member
Kazimiera RębaczCommission member
Jadwiga SasCommission member
Janina WszołekCommission member
Commune Moryń - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
3Wiejskie Centrum Administracji,Kultury,Sportu i Rekreacji, Klępicz 7A , 74-503 MoryńGeneralNoNoSołectwa: Klępicz, Nowe Objezierze, Stare Objezierze Osada:Skotnica
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 3 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Adam NowińskiCommission chair
Barbara NawrolskaCommission vicechair
Magdalena DomaradzkaCommission member
Łukasz StrzelczykCommission member
Irena SusuckaCommission member
Małgorzata WardęgaCommission member
Andrzej WszołekCommission member
Commune Moryń - Precincts     [Lists of candidates for Sejm]   [Candidates for Senate]
NumberAddressPrecinct typeLocation accessible for the handicappedPrecinct correspondencePrecint boundariesGoogle map link
4Dom Pomocy Społecznej, ul. Rynkowa 27 , Moryń 74-503 MoryńSocial help centreNoNoul. Rynkowa 27
show commission crew
Ward Electoral Commission no. 4 - commission members
Name and surnamePosition
Leokadia KuryłowiczCommission chair
Agata KaganCommission vicechair
Jadwiga MuchaCommission member
Anna PiątekCommission member
Danuta PiątkowskaCommission member
Marek WojciechowskiCommission member
Natalia WszołekCommission member

*) National Electoral Commission explains that the errors occurring in presenting the position of the seats electoral commissions are not due to software bugs, and there are sites for reasons beyond the control of the National Electoral Commission