Results of voting »Poland»Province dolnośląskie
Sejm constituency no. 2,Senate constituency no. 5
Sejm constituency no. 2, Senate constituency no. ... ... ...
Senate constituency no. 5 (OKW Wałbrzych)
Statistic on 09.10.2011
Inhabitants: 337 717
Precincts quantity: 270
Electors: 280 739
Number of mandates: 1
Attendance: 42,30%
% of valid votes: 96,77%
Candidates for Senate
No. Surname and Names Number of valid votes for candidate % of valid votes
1 Jurcewicz Stanisław 49 054 42,69%
2 Makarczyk Jerzy Michał 16 573 14,42%
3 Niedzielski Aleksander 14 037 12,21%
4 Urbanowski Henryk Czesław 26 233 22,83%
5 Wijatyk Bogusław Grzegorz 9 020 7,85%