Results of voting »Poland»Province łódzkie
Sejm constituency no. 11,Senate constituency no. 25
Sejm constituency no. 11, Senate constituency no. ... ... ... ...
Senate constituency no. 25 (OKW Sieradz)
Statistic on 09.10.2011
Inhabitants: 278 134
Precincts quantity: 238
Electors: 229 522
Number of mandates: 1
Attendance: 42,21%
% of valid votes: 96,17%
Candidates for Senate
No. Surname and Names Number of valid votes for candidate % of valid votes
1 Błaszczyk Przemysław Jacek 27 392 29,40%
2 Górczyński Andrzej Robert 16 712 17,94%
3 Kaczmarek Michał 22 858 24,54%
4 Michalak Janusz Edward 6 523 7,00%
5 Olejniczak Jerzy Wojciech 6 784 7,28%
6 Staszewska Izabela Wanda 8 861 9,51%
7 Wojtera Jan Andrzej 4 034 4,33%